Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Celebrating 200: The Lawyerist Podcast’s 200th Episode

A Huge Thank You

How do you really say “thank you!” to an amorphous blob of people who, as a collective, have changed our lives for the better in so many ways? We’re not sure, but we’re going to give it a shot: thank you, amorphous blob!

We launched The Lawyerist Podcast almost exactly four years ago. Since then, we’ve done 200 episodes, interviewed a pantload of impressive guests, cajoled some really brilliant sponsors to back our efforts, and beamed as you’ve downloaded our episodes nearly one million times (no kidding).

Our vision has always been to bend the arc of lawyering and law practice. You’ve helped us do that, and we’re inexpressibly grateful. Thank you.

Our Favorite Episodes

Is having a podcast like having babies? We’re not sure, but we are sure that it’s tough to pick our favorites. And although we love them all, we’ve decided against listing all 200 of them here. (We did that here instead).

But we have been preparing for this podcast episode for a couple of weeks, and we’ve had tons of fun looking back at the provocative guests, the exceptional advice, and the practice-changing tools that have flowed from our mics, through your earbuds, and into the deepest recesses of your sponge-like brains. Hopefully you’ve enjoyed them as much as we have. So, with some additional commentary below, and in no particular order, here are some of our favorites:

Podcast #149: What Millennials Want from Your Law Firm, with Nicole Abboud

Nicole Abboud HeadshotSam: Here’s what they want: to have you pay attention to how they research and buy anything. Because that’s how they’re going to decide to pay you for your services, too. Nicole talks about meeting millennials where they are (spoiler alert: they’re online) and being authentic.

Podcast #188: The Key to Better Family Relationships, with Jim Sheils

Stephanie: This episode explored concrete ways to have more meaningful engagement with our families. I love hearing from community members that their kids are busy planning board meetings and folks are having date nights with a question. They work!

Podcast #163: Sustainable Subscription Fees for Business Clients, with Kim Bennett

Kim Bennett HeadshotMarshall: First of all, Kim Bennett is a total bad-ass. Second, I represented business clients when I owned my law firm. I always believed that a subscription fee model was sustainable, and I tinkered with it for years. I’m with Kim: business matters are perfect for subscription fees if done the right way.

Podcast #187: Why You Need a Mastermind, with Stephanie Everett

Stephanie EverettAaron: Our very own Stephanie Everett is steeped in mastermind groups. She’s in them, she’s run them, and she’s, well…mastered them. This episode explores why they are so important and how they can change your business (and, probably, your life) for the better.

Podcast #155: Why Intake is the Key to Law Firm Success, with Billie Tarascio

Aaron: I love this episode. Billie Tarascio has poured massive amounts of time, energy, and money into mastering the intake process for her firm. She has taken that learning and developed a process that can make your intake process to another level, too.

Podcast #184: Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, with Amy Morin

Amy Morin HeadshotLindsey: I loved this episode and I love Amy, her book, and her philosophies in general. This episode was super inspiring, and thinking back on her 13 tips helps me regain focus and gratitude in my own life.

Podcast #137: Career Change for Smart Professionals, with Rikke Hansen

Aaron: Rikke’s wonderful episode about career change explores how lawyers can stop overthinking and halt their self-sabotage, then start thinking productively about when to start their own firm or leave the profession altogether.

Podcast #69: The Big Case, with Making a Murderer’s Dean Strang

Dean Strang headshotSam: This episode aired during Making a Murderer’s climax, and Dean didn’t disappoint. We talked about how he came to represent a man wrongfully convicted on sexual assault charges who went on to face murder charges. Fascinating.

Podcast #153: Building a Future-Centric Law Firm, with Peter Aprile & Natalie Worsfold

Stephanie: Peter and Natalie are great examples of lawyers building a future-centric law firm. This episode gives us a peek into their brains and how they think about changing the industry. A great listen for anyone who wants to learn what innovation looks like. You can also explore their podcast Building NewLaw, which is superb.

Podcast #109: Recognizing Opportunities, with Andrew Haugen

Aaron: Talk about a tipping point! Andrew was planning to leave law practice for good. But instead of doing that, he chose to acquire two family law practices instead. He talked about how he has worked to integrate those practices into a powerful entity.

Podcast #123: Why Mentoring Could Be the Key to Your Legal Career, with Marshall Lichty

Marshall LichtyMarshall: The guest on this one might be a bit of a goofball, but this episode features the single best way to tie your shoes ever invented (don’t @ me) and some meaningful talk about mentorship, which, in my reasoned opinion, is a part of our personal and professional lives that we all need level up.

Podcast #147: Accessible Justice, with Haben Girma

Sam & Aaron: Talk about inspiring change. Haben is the first deaf-blind person to graduate from Harvard Law School. She talked with us about how to rethink the way we design our business relationships, courts, and law firms to support people with disabilities and increase access to justice for everyone. It was lovely.

Podcast #183: Rethinking Substance Abuse & Addiction, with Jeff Glover

Aaron: Sam and his cousin Jeff explore a sticky problem through a refreshing lens. Substance abuse and addiction afflict lawyers at alarming rates, and Jeff talks about stigma, sensitivity, and alternatives to the AA approach.

Podcast #100: KPIs and Starting with the End in Mind, with Mary Juetten

Marshall: KPIs are critically important. But we have good data to suggest that most lawyers aren’t using key performance indicators. Heck, most lawyers aren’t using any performance indicators. Hopefully this episode gets lawyers thinking about their businesses as living organisms that can be improved over time.

Podcast #12: Ellie Krug on Starting a Firm and Litigating as Both a Man and as a Woman

Aaron: Ellie explores a topic we love (starting a law firm), but from a completely unique perspective: as a lawyer who has litigated cases as a man and as a woman.

Podcast #185: Acting Like a Law Firm Owner, with Jordan Furlong

Jordan Furlong HeadshotStephanie: Sam and Jordan discuss the difference between how typical law-firm partners understand their roles and how they would act differently if they embrace their roles as owners. Jordan makes a pithy distinction that more lawyers should understand and appreciate.

Marshall. I love this one for the same reasons Stephanie mentioned. This might be the single most important realization most would-be law firm owners need to sort out. It is almost certainly the most important distinction I’ve seen made between those who will do well and those who will do poorly in their law businesses.

Sam. Yep, I love my conversations with Jordan. There are some other great ones in episodes #58 and #124, too.

Podcast #150: Business Lessons Learned in the Dead Zone on Mt. Everest, with Dean Cardinale

Sam: This is literally a podcast about how climbing Mt. Everest (and taking other informed risks) will help you run a better business. Fascinating and inspiring episode.

Podcast #158: Before You Even Think About Hiring Anyone, Listen to This Episode with Ashley Cox

Ashley Cox HeadshotAyesha: We’ve heard a ton of hiring horror stories and explore them in our Insider group on Facebook. Ashley’s episode is chock-full of useful advice to help you avoid the most common traps.

Podcast #175: Getting Organized at Home and Work, with Merlin Mann

Merlin Mann HeadshotAaron: Merlin Mann is a hero to throngs of organization and productivity fans. He talked with us about how to really get organized at work and in life, and how organization can help balance your work with your life.

Podcast #159: Augmented Reality in the Courtroom, with Mitch Jackson

Stephanie: Mitch Jackson sorta blew my mind on this one. I loved hearing examples of how technology will impact trials. The idea that jurors will wear glasses and “visit” the crime scene or how jury consultants can participate in trials through AR was crazy cool!

Podcast #191: Building a Practice Around Your Tribe, with Shannon Montgomery

Shannon Montgomery HeadshotLindsey: I thought this episode was interesting because Shannon literally built her job around her passion. This one was also personally inspiring. And Shannon is just a badass, so I have to favor this one.

Podcast #190: How to Advertise on Facebook, with Nic Kusmich

Stephanie: Nic Kusmich does a great job of explaining how an inbound marketing strategy can work for a law firm. He also packed the episode with tons of little, useful tips. I’ve listened to this one several times!

Lindsey: I agree with Stephanie on this one. Nic packed this one with tons of super powerful little tips.

Podcast #89: Starting a Solo Practice, with Mac Power Users Podcaster Katie Floyd

Marshall: Katie Floyd is magnificent. In this episode, she talks about one thing lots of folks need  help with: planning to start their own firm.) She is also excellent in Episode #128 and, at least until the end of 2018, on Mac Power Users.

Podcast #162: Designing Your Clients’ Experience, with Joey Coleman

Marshall: Thinking about the client experience is crucial, and “designing” that experience is the essential element of that exercise. This episode really helps people do something that lawyers seem to be allergic to (and that could change their businesses for good and forever.)

Podcast #119: How Stress is Sabotaging Your Clients, with Nika Kabiri

Aaron: Your clients’ stress can quickly become your challenge. Nika talked about how that happens, how stress harms their ability to make good decisions, and how you can help them (and yourself). It was a wonderful client-centered episode that I just love.

Podcast #105: How Small Firms Can Promote Diversity, with Heather Hackman

Aaron: Heather offered up a powerful perspective on diversity that punched a lot of us right in the gut. She talked about small law firms’ roles in increasing diversity in the profession as a whole.

Thank You! (For Your Support, Your Ears, & Your Reviews!)

We are incredibly grateful to everyone who has listened to and supported this podcast over the years. From its inception, The Lawyerist Podcast has been about the future of lawyering and law practice. Without you, we would never have been able to keep talking about the future. Without you, the future of lawyering would look a bit bleaker. So, thank you.

Please take a minute to help other lawyers find us by leaving a review on iTunes or Stitcher, like these fine folks:

This podcast will help you run your practice better, and it’s an entertaining listen.


I absolutely love this podcast! I spend quite a bit of time in my car driving for work and am an avid podcaster. When I found these guys I was skeptical because, to be honest, being an attorney hasn’t always been the best thing. I have never loved a job and have been searching for my legal path for years. After listening to one particular episode, I immediately knew where I needed to go. Let’s just say these guys are the reason I’m still practicing and plan to start my own firm here in the near future. I hope to attend the [LabCon] law conference one day and meet the guys responsible for helping me find my motivation in this career!!


Lawyerist has been my favorite legal website for a good while, and now it is my favorite legal podcast. I’m always energized after every episode. Keep up the good work!


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Podcast #200: The State of Small Law, with George Psiharis

microphone with caption "lawyerist/legal talk network" below

In our 200th episode with George Psiharis, we talk about the state of small law, as well as Clio’s 2018 Legal Industry Trends Report.

Check out our special post here in honor of our 200th podcast episode.

George Psiharis

George Psiharis Headshot

George Psiharis is the Chief Operating Officer at Clio. He uses data and innovative thinking to help Clio deliver an excellent customer experience, be a fantastic place to work, and to grow rapidly.

We asked George what the weirdest thing in his desk drawer was—his answer: a glass sword that was given to him as a gift while on a business trip to Saudi Arabia.

You can follow George Psiharis on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Thanks to LawPay, Smokeball, Ruby Receptionists, and New Law Business Model for sponsoring this episode!

Show Notes

You can get The 2018 Legal Trends Report here.


Don’t miss an episode of The Lawyerist Podcast! Subscribe now in your favorite podcast app.


If you are hard of hearing, please contact us for a transcript of this episode.

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Monday, November 26, 2018

Hiring with Culture in Mind

Hiring with Culture in Mind Cutout

Culture, culture, culture. In this download, we go over why it’s beneficial to hire people that firm your law firm’s culture, and questions you can ask to help determine if that candidate truly is a cultural fit for you.

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Work-Life Balance – The Essentials

Work Life Balance Cutout

Work-life balance means different things to different people, but those different things share similar foundations. Our download covers the essentials you should consider when trying to find your work-life balance.

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Friday, November 23, 2018

Multimodality treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma.

F1000Research 2018 October 22 [Link]

Berzenji L, Van Schil P


Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare disease of the pleura and is largely related to asbestos exposure. Despite recent advancements in technologies and a greater understanding of the disease, the prognosis of MPM remains poor; the median overall survival rate is about 6 to 9 months in untreated patients. The main therapeutic strategies for MPM are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy (RT). The two main surgical approaches for MPM are extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP), in which the lung is removed en bloc, and pleurectomy/decortication, in which the lung stays in situ. Chemotherapy usually consists of a platinum-based chemotherapy, such as cisplatin, often combined with a folate antimetabolite, such as pemetrexed. More recently, immunotherapy has emerged as a possible therapeutic strategy for MPM. Evidence suggests that single-modality treatments are not an effective therapeutic approach for MPM. Therefore, researchers have started to explore different multimodality treatment approaches, in which often combinations of surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and RT are investigated. There is still no definitive answer to the question of which multimodality treatment combinations are most effective in improving the poor prognosis of MPM. Research into the effects of trimodality treatment approaches have found that radical approaches such as EPP and hemithoracic RT post-EPP are less effective than was previously assumed. In general, there are still a great number of unanswered questions and unknown factors regarding the ideal treatment approach for MPM. Hopefully, more research into multimodality therapy will provide insight into which combination of treatment modalities is most effective.


Thursday, November 22, 2018

Factors influencing malignant mesothelioma survival: a retrospective review of the National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank cohort.

F1000Research 2018 August 3 [Link]

Amin W, Linkov F, Landsittel DP, Silverstein JC, Becich MJ


Background: Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a rare but deadly malignancy with about 3,000 new cases being diagnosed each year in the US. Very few studies have been performed to analyze factors associated with mesothelioma survival, especially for peritoneal presentation. The overarching aim of this study is to examine survival of the cohort of patients with malignant mesothelioma enrolled in the National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank (NMVB). Methods: 888 cases of pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma cases were selected from the NMVB database, which houses over 1400 cases that were diagnosed from 1990 to 2017. Kaplan Meier’s method was performed for survival analysis. The association between prognostic factors and survival was estimated using Cox Hazard Regression method and using R software for analysis. Results: The median overall survival (OS) rate of all MM patients, including pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma cases is 15 months (14 months for pleural and 31 months for peritoneal). Significant prognostic factors associated with improved survival of malignant mesothelioma cases in this NMVB cohort were below the age of 45, female gender, epithelioid histological subtype, stage I, peritoneal occurrence, and had treatment that consisted of combining surgical therapy with chemotherapy. Combined surgical and chemotherapy treatment was associated with improved survival of 23 months in comparison to single line therapies. Conclusions: There has not been improvement in the overall survival for patients with malignant mesothelioma over many years with current available treatment options. Our findings show that combined surgical and chemotherapy treatment is associated with improved survival compared to local therapy alone.


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Study Says P/D May Be Better Than EPP in Pleural Mesothelioma Surgeries

There has been a long and heated debate among pleural mesothelioma experts about which surgical procedure is better: pleurectomy with decortication (P/D) or extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP). However, a new study that looks into the short-term outcomes of both procedures leans towards P/D as the better option. The Current Study The study by Doctors Maaike van

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Apatinib for salvage treatment of advanced malignant pleural mesothelioma: A case report.

Medicine 2018 November [Link]

Du Z, Yu Y, Wu D, Zhang G, Wang Y, He L, Meng R


Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) is rare cancer and has a poor prognosis with resistance to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Until now there is no standard third-line treatment for patients who have failed second-line therapy.
A 58-year-old non-smoking female peasant of ethnic Han was admitted to the oncology department of the 363 Hospital with a primary complaint of chest tightness and breathlessness from 3 months ago.
Positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET/CT) examination showed “dirty” pleural and parietal pleural involvement as well as mediastinal and pulmonary hilar lymph node enlargement. Finally, cancer cells were seen after repeated pleural effusion cell examination. Immunohistochemistry confirmed epithelioid of pleural mesothelioma.
Apatinib as a third-line treatment after failure from pemetrexed/cisplatin (PC) as the first-line chemotherapy and gemcitabine/cisplatin (GP) as the second-line chemotherapy. At first, 250 mg/day was given and 1 week later, the dose was increased to 500 mg/day.
A 5-month progression-free survival was achieved and toxicity included severe hand-foot syndrome, mild proteinuria, and hypertension.
Apatinib may be a potential therapeutic drug for MPM, particularly as a third-line treatment in cases resistant to chemotherapeutic options.


Podcast #199: Year-End Law Firm Finances, with Mary Juetten

microphone with caption "lawyerist/legal talk network" below

In this episode, we talk with Mary Juetten about what it means to be data-driven, how to collect data efficiently, and what to do with it once you’ve got it..

Mary Juetten

Marry Juetten is the principal attorney at Juetten Law and is Of Counsel to Nimbus Legal. She also writes, speaks, consults, teaches, mentors, advises, and runs Her ultimate goal is to make a difference by helping businesses achieve their goals and protect their success. Mary loves to share one simple piece of advice: “This is not a dress rehearsal. Live life every day like it’s your last.”

You can follow Mary on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Thanks to LawPay, Smokeball, Lawclerk, and New Law Business Model for sponsoring this episode!

Show Notes

To learn more, you can check out Episode #100, where we talked with Mary about KPIs you could be tracking.

You can also check out this episode of Lawyerist Lens with Patrick Palace about data-driven client intake.

You can get Mary’s book, The Business of Legal: The Data-Driven Law Practice here.

Mary is also currently working on her new book, The Business of Legal: Technology Law for Businesses. She’s also working as part of a team on a platform for Nimbus Legal that allows lawyers to offer subscription plans for outside general counsel work, coming in 2019.


Don’t miss an episode of The Lawyerist Podcast! Subscribe now in your favorite podcast app.


If you are hard of hearing, please [contact us]( for a transcript of this episode.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Peripheral blood DNA methylation as potential biomarker of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma in asbestos-exposed subjects.

Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2018 November 5 [Link]

Guarrera S, Viberti C, Cugliari G, Allione A, Casalone E, Betti M, Ferrante D, Aspesi A, Casadio C, Grosso F, Libener R, Piccolini E, Mirabelli D, Dianzani I, Magnani C, Matullo G


Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is an aggressive tumour strongly associated with asbestos exposure. Patients are usually diagnosed when current treatments have limited benefits, highlighting the need for non-invasive early diagnosis tests to monitor asbestos-exposed people.
We used a genome-wide methylation array to identify, in asbestos-exposed subjects, novel blood DNA methylation markers of MPM in 163 MPM cases and 137 cancer-free controls (82/68 Training Set; replication in 81/69, Test Set) sampled from the same areas.
Evidence of differential methylation between MPM cases and controls was found (>800 CpG sites, Pfdr


Monday, November 19, 2018

TAZ activation by Hippo pathway dysregulation induces cytokine gene expression and promotes mesothelial cell transformation.

Oncogene 2018 November 6 [Link]

Matsushita A, Sato T, Mukai S, Fujishita T, Mishiro-Sato E, Okuda M, Aoki M, Hasegawa Y, Sekido Y


Malignant mesothelioma (MM) constitutes a very aggressive tumor that is caused by asbestos exposure after long latency. The NF2 tumor suppressor gene is mutated in 40-50% of MM; moreover, one of its downstream signaling cascades, the Hippo signaling pathway, is also frequently inactivated in MM cells. Although the YAP transcriptional coactivator, which is regulated by the Hippo pathway, can function as a pro-oncogenic protein, the role of TAZ, a paralog of YAP, in MM cells has not yet been clarified. Here, we show that TAZ is expressed and underphosphorylated (activated) in the majority of MM cells compared to immortalized mesothelial cells. ShRNA-mediated TAZ knockdown highly suppressed cell proliferation, anchorage-independent growth, cell motility, and invasion in MM cells harboring activated TAZ. Conversely, transduction of an activated form of TAZ in immortalized mesothelial cells enhanced these in vitro phenotypes and conferred tumorigenicity in vivo. Microarray analysis determined that activated TAZ most significantly enhanced the transcription of genes related to “cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction.” Among selected cytokines, we found that IL-1 signaling activation plays a major role in proliferation in TAZ-activated MM cells. Both IL1B knockdown and an IL-1 receptor antagonist significantly suppressed malignant phenotypes of immortalized mesothelial cells and MM cells with activated TAZ. Overall, these results indicate an oncogenic role for TAZ in MMs via transcriptional induction of distinct pro-oncogenic genes including cytokines. Among these, IL-1 signaling appears as one of the most important cascades, thus potentially serving as a target pathway in MM cells harboring Hippo pathway inactivation.


Saturday, November 17, 2018

Mesothelioma Cancer – A Deadly Disease for Maintenance Workers

Mesothelioma Cancer – Common Maintenance Worker Exposure

Mesothelioma Cancer is аn extremely fаtаl form of саnсеr thаt іѕ саught by соmіng іn соntасt with аѕbеѕtоѕ. This item wаѕ wіdеlу used to mаnufасturе old buіldіngѕ. Maintenance workers that are соnѕtаntlу іn thе inner раrtѕ оf thеѕе buіldіngѕ can and do come іn contact wіth this ѕubѕtаnсе. Whеn thіѕ hарреnѕ thеіr сhаnсеѕ of саtсhіng mеѕоthеlіоmа саnсеr іnсrеаѕеѕ drastically. If you or a loved one was recently diagnosed with stage 4 mesothelioma cancer, we can help you.

Mesothelioma Cancer – A Deadly Disease for Maintenance Workers

Mesothelioma Cancer аttасkѕ thе рrоtесtіvе lining that соvеrѕ many of оur bоdу’ѕ оrgаnѕ. Mоѕt of thе tіmе the реорlе thаt come down wіth іt came іn соntасt wіth a ѕubѕtаnсе called аѕbеѕtоѕ. It wаѕ widely uѕеd mаnу dесаdеѕ ago in numеrоuѕ kіndѕ of products, аnd оnе оf thе main оnеѕ wаѕ іn thе соnѕtruсtіоn іnduѕtrу, as an іnѕulаtоr and fire іnhіbіtоr.

Thіѕ fоrm оf саnсеr оftеn аttасkѕ thе іntеrnаl chest wаll оr the оutеr lining of thе lungѕ. As terrible аѕ thіѕ sounds, most реорlе thаt come down with thіѕ dіѕеаѕе did nоt nееd to, іf thеу were bеttеr informed аnd educated оn how harmful іt асtuаllу іѕ. Yоu can саtсh Mesothelioma Cancer ѕіmрlу bу breathing іn dust оr раrtісlеѕ thаt contain asbestos.

Mоѕt, if nоt аll maintenance workers аrе nоt еvеn trained tо rесоgnіzе аѕbеѕtоѕ, much lеѕѕ knоw how tо рrореrlу rеmоvе іt frоm a buіldіng. Thе hаndlіng of thе mаtеrіаl іѕ uѕuаllу оnlу dоnе bу specialized fіrmѕ thаt are nоt only hіghlу trаіnеd, but аrе сеrtіfіеd to remove it.

Mesothelioma Cancer – A Deadly Disease for Maintenance Workers

Rеmоvіng asbestos frоm a buіldіng rеԛuіrеѕ all kіndѕ оf special еԛuірmеnt and precautions. It іѕ a very expensive аnd ѕlоw рrосеѕѕ, because if іt іѕ not dоnе properly, the еmрlоуееѕ thаt аrе dоіng thе wоrk, аrе аt great risk оf соntrасtіng Mesothelioma Cancer.

Prеttу much thе last thіng that a building owner wants tо hеаr іѕ thаt thеіr buіldіng соntаіnѕ аѕbеѕtоѕ. Almost assuredly, thе buіldіng wіll have tо be evacuated, while the rеmоvаl procedure іѕ bеіng соmрlеtеd. Even оnсе іt hаѕ bееn finished, thе buіldіng wіll hаvе a ѕtіgmа about it thаt wіll dесrеаѕе іtѕ rерutаtіоn greatly.

Asbestos wаѕ used tо іnѕulаtе аlmоѕt еvеrуthіng, and in оld buildings іt саn bе fоund frequently аrоund water hеаtеrѕ. It was аlѕо uѕеd in оld electrical wіrіng аnd саblе. It wаѕ еvеn uѕеd in cement, tо make it ѕtrоngеr. This is whу whеn thе walls оf оld buildings start tо crack, or get water dаmаgе, раrtісlеѕ оf asbestos often ѕtаrt to filter into thе аіr.

Whеn thіѕ оссurѕ, everybody thаt еntеrѕ thе buіldіng is іn dаngеr оf соmіng dоwn with mesothelioma cancer. As sad as it іѕ tо ѕау, all іt tаkеѕ is inhaling a fеw раrtісlеѕ оf thе ѕubѕtаnсеѕ, and this fоrm оf саnсеr соuld start tо produce іtѕеlf іn your bоdу.

Whаt ѕhоuld you do whеn your Building hаѕ Aѕbеѕtоѕ?

If you ѕuѕресt that уоur buіldіng has аѕbеѕtоѕ іn іt, you ѕhоuld first contact thе mаnаgеmеnt оf thе ѕtruсturе аnd ask thеm tо get іn tоuсh with еіthеr thе Environmental Protection Agеnсу (EPA), оr уоur lосаl building inspector аnd hаvе the building ѕсrutіnіzеd.

If they rеfuѕе tо do it, thеn you ѕhоuld call these gоvеrnmеnt аgеnсіеѕ аnd аѕk them уоurѕеlf. Thеrе aren’t аnу fees аѕѕосіаtеd wіth thеѕе tуреѕ оf іnѕресtіоnѕ. Thе rеаѕоn mоѕt buіldіng owners do nоt wаnt to dо this, іѕ bесаuѕе if аѕbеѕtоѕ іѕ found, it wіll be еxtrеmеlу expensive tо get соmрlеtеlу rеmоvеd frоm thе building.

In аddіtіоn, while аll of thе demolition wоrk is going on, more than lіkеlу еvеrуbоdу wіll have tо totally lеаvе the building. When thіѕ happens, of соurѕе thе building owners lоѕе their rental іnсоmе.

If you аrе a Maintenance worker thаt рrіmаrіlу works in оld buіldіngѕ, уоu really nееd tо еduсаtе уоurѕеlf оn аѕbеѕtоѕ, and bе able tо іmmеdіаtеlу rесоgnіzе the mаtеrіаl. Mesothelioma cancer is something thаt muѕt bе tаkеn vеrу ѕеrіоuѕlу, аnd under no сіrсumѕtаnсеѕ ѕhоuld you еvеr tоuсh аѕbеѕtоѕ, аttеmрt tо remove іt, or еvеn wоrk anywhere сlоѕе to іt.

If аnуbоdу that you knоw who еіthеr lives іn your ѕаmе building, or works where уоu dо, happens tо соntасt mesothelioma cancer, уоu nееd tо bе extra “ѕресіаl” саrеful, аnd tаkе immediate action to ѕаfеguаrd уоurѕеlf аnd уоur fаmіlу.

Thіѕ іѕ a tell tаlе wаrnіng ѕіgn thаt thеу have соmе іn соntасt wіth thіѕ dеаdlу material. It іѕ аdvіѕеd thаt уоu іnѕtаntаnеоuѕlу have both your work and hоmе thоrоughlу еxаmіnеd fоr thіѕ mаttеr. If the реорlе thаt уоu work fоr dо nоt feel it іѕ nесеѕѕаrу tо have their рrеmіѕеѕ іnѕресtеd, уоu can соntасt the lосаl building іnѕресtоr оr Oссuраtіоnаl Safety and Hеаlth Admіnіѕtrаtіоn (OSHA) уоurѕеlf. Thеу will kеер уоur nаmе confidential, ѕо you dо not need tо bе wоrrіеd аbоut уоur jоb.

In addition, уоu need to try аnd fіgurе оut іf there wеrе any оthеr рlасеѕ that your acquaintance frequented, thаt you аlѕо go tо a great deal, and try tо dеtеrmіnе іf that was thе ѕоurсе оf the рrоblеm. In the vast majority of thе cases, a реrѕоn dоеѕ not gеt mesothelioma cancer wіthоut coming іn contact with аѕbеѕtоѕ. If you or a loved one is showing stage 4 mesothelioma symptoms, we can help you with stage 4 mesothelioma information.

Thіѕ іѕ why, іf you аrе сlоѕе tо the реrѕоn, wоrk with thеm, оr live in thе ѕаmе buіldіng оr area as thеу dо, уоu need to tаkе every рrеvеntаtіvе mеаѕurе possible tо рrоtесt уоurѕеlf and your lоvеd ones. Sіmрlу brеаthіng іn thіѕ ѕubѕtаnсе a single time іѕ enough tо start a сhаіn rеасtіоn, whісh соuld eventually lead to death.

Aѕbеѕtоѕ аnd Stage 4 Mesothelioma cancer are сеrtаіnlу ѕоmеthіng to bе feared аnd hіghlу rеѕресtеd. Tоdау, thеrе аrе mаnу соnѕtruсtіоn companies working around the сlосk trуіng to rеmоvе іt frоm аѕ mаnу ѕtruсturеѕ аѕ роѕѕіblе, as quісklу аѕ роѕѕіblе. But, еvеn with all оf thе time аnd еffоrt bеіng spent оn thіѕ сrіtісаl рrоjесt, реорlе аrе ѕtіll dуіng аt alarming rаtеѕ bесаuѕе of thіѕ оnсе thought tо bе еxtrеmеlу ѕаfе аnd оnе оf a kіnd mаnmаdе mаtеrіаl.

The post Mesothelioma Cancer – A Deadly Disease for Maintenance Workers appeared first on The Asbestos Cancer Organization.
