In this week’s edition of How Lawyers Work, we hear from Zach Herbert. Zach is a newly solo attorney and founder of Herbert Law Group in Dallas, Texas.
You can find Zach on LinkedIn.
What’s your elevator pitch?
I’m a personal injury lawyer, former marine, and amateur pipe carver. I practice in Dallas Texas, and I also consult on the side regarding workflow solutions for personal injury firms.
What apps or tools are essential to your daily workflow?
Scansnap, to scan and shred everything.
PDF Expert, to view and edit all documents.
Microsoft OneDrive, synced with my Mac, for all my client files.
MacBook Pro 2014, carried between work and home.
Evernote, for all research, networking (business cards), and ideas.
Windscribe, I got the lifetime pro deal for $50. VPN for when I’m on public wifi.
Grasshopper, my phone service—when you call you get a menu to press one for me and two for my assistant (my wife).
Metrofax, my email fax service.
CasePeer, my case management software for plaintiff-centered practice—full of templates for pleadings, correspondence, and memos.
Goodnotes, for note taking on the iPad Pro 12.9 inch (with Apple Pencil).
TrialPad, for trial presentations.
Squarespace, for my website design and hosting.
Office 365, for email and document creation.
What does your workspace look like?
Click to view slideshow.I left a large firm and started my own practice in October of 2017 (one week after my third child was born!). So, I am starting off simple. I rent an office in an executive suite that has a shared receptionist. My wife comes in once a week and she has the temp office across the hall from me. I use my MacBook Pro 2014 (still going strong!) hooked up to a 27-inch monitor and a desk that allows me to stand or sit. My Scan Snap sits on my desk, along with my Ironman and Spiderman figurines.
How do you keep track of your calendars and deadlines?
I use CasePeer for case management and some deadlines, but everything else is on my Outlook calendar through Office 365. I like CasePeer for viewing litigation deadlines all in one spot, but for actual meetings and events—I use the Outlook calendar. I am forgetful, so I like the reminders, especially the ones that tell me I need to leave soon (depending on traffic!).
What is one thing that you listen to, read, or watch that everyone should?
Other than The Lawyerist Podcast? I really liked The E-Myth Attorney, Evernote for Lawyers, and Getting Things Done. I also follow Inbox Zero. I don’t know if there is a book, but I just read a bunch of articles on how to achieve inbox zero, so I practice that every day.
What is your favorite local place to network or work solo?
Whole Foods. Mine has an upstairs and free Wi-Fi. I use Windscribe Pro when connected to public Wi-Fi. It’s always nice to be able to go downstairs and get some juice or kombucha (or beer).
How do you or your team approach problems?
Head on. I make a plan, communicate the plan, and execute. My Marine Corps roots will always be hard to shake. Now that it’s just me, anytime a problem comes along I reach out to my network of attorneys in my local area that practice the same law that I do. We have a very good list in Dallas, and it’s just like being in a large office of attorneys. There is always someone who has had the same or a similar problem before, and the old cliché, “don’t reinvent the wheel” is very true for probably most areas of the law.
What are three things you do without fail every day?
(1) Breakfast; (2) kiss my family, and; (3) coffee!
Breakfast because I’m a breakfast guy. I wake up super hungry. Kiss my family because they are the reason I went out on my own. I didn’t want to struggle with fitting them into my work schedule, I wanted to fit my work schedule around them. Coffee because of all my vices, this one is the most socially acceptable! Kidding, but coffee makes me happy.
Who else would you like to see answer these questions?
Chris Attig, Mike McCullough, Judge Tonya Parker
How Lawyers Work: Zach Herbert, Geek Lawyer & Wood Working Enthusiast was originally published on
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